


Here you can find information about Basque organizations that are currently members of the BeBasqueTalentNetwork, meaning that they work with Bizkaia Talent to attract, retain and involve highly-qualified professionals to and in the Basque Country. Classified by organization type, you can find by sector those companies that work in your field of knowledge. To be able to get in touch with them, via the Talent Map, you need to register with the network.



Somos una empresa que busca día a día evolucionar el sector textil actual, apostando por la tecnología al 100% en toda la cadena de valor, aportando tecnología y procesos automatizables para nuestros clientes y proveedores, desplegando acciones para mejorar la sostenibilidad de productos y procesos tanto internamente como dirigidos externamente a nuestros proveedores y clientes. Fabricamos telas personalizadas para nuestros clientes que, principalmente, son diseñadores y marcas de moda, a través de nuestro ecommerce, apostamos por la inversión en I+D, desarrollando actualmente proyectos en los que queremos universalizar el diseño de productos textiles.


Egoitza nagusia
Gordexola, Spain

Bilbao, Espainia

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa



Walter Pack is a company that specialises in the design and production of high-quality decorative technical surfaces and parts, using technologies such as IMD, IMF and IML, among others. Mainly for the automotive industry and also for the Home appliances and Electronics.


Egoitza nagusia
Igorre, Basque Country

Amorebieta, Euskadi
Manesar ( Delhi ), India
Queretaro, Mexiko

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

We Bring Strategy Consultants

We Bring Strategy Consultants

En WE BRING decimos que somos diferentes y no es casualidad.
Por eso hemos ido un paso más allá, entendiendo las empresas como un todo y ofreciendo soluciones transversales a los retos actuales.
Somos de menos documentos y más acción. De menos proyecciones y más resultados. De innovar, de crear nuevos caminos y de ofrecer soluciones.

- Talento. Al igual que tú, sabemos que el mundo de la empresa, es en realidad un mundo de personas. Descubre cómo llevamos esta expresión a su máximo potencial.

- Business. Si tu empresa necesita un pequeño empujón o simplemente estás decidido a ir más allá, somos tu compañero de viaje. Sin dormirnos en los laureles, traccionamos las soluciones que necesitas.

- Emprendimiento. El mercado cambia cada vez más rápido y las empresas necesitamos nuevas soluciones que nos faciliten la vida. Así innovamos: convertimos las necesidades en nuevos negocios.


Egoitza nagusia
Zamudio, Basque Country

Zamudio, Euskadi

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa



Wikiflix Compañía de desarrollo de soluciones para la productividad de clientes B2B corporativos, a través de la captura, bodegaje digital, explotación de conocimiento critico, producción, distribución recursos de aprendizaje corporativo y su transferencia al puesto de trabajo. Tecnologia real time , Inteligencia artificial, factory de recursos de aprendizaje, células ágiles de atención al cliente y prompt engineer teams disponibles para entregar un servicio de altisimo nivel de calidad.


Egoitza nagusia
Bilbao, Spain

Santiago de Chile, Txile
Malaga, Espainia
Bogota, Kolonbia
Lima, Peru
Mexico DF, Mexiko

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa



Accelerate digital transformation towards sustainable industry 5.0.
For all those startups and companies that want to develop their business strategy with a positive impact. Either by regulations, market or requirements in their strategy. All companies with advanced digital transformations that are thinking of increasing their knowledge in areas such as transparency, traceability, blockchain, user-oriented data analytics, artificial intelligence applied to life improvement.


Egoitza nagusia
BILBAO, Basque Country

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

ACICAE - Cluster de la Automoción

ACICAE - Cluster de la Automoción

ACICAE is a Cluster whose mission is to boost the Basque automotive sector, enabling cooperation among Basque companies to answer, together, to the major challenges the sector presents. It is considered to be the first Automotive Cluster set up in Europe.

Since its establishment in 1993 it has rapidly evolved, contributing to make the Basque automotive sector's turnover multiply by six in the last 25 years, exceeding 18,3 billion € and 85.000 employees worldwide


Egoitza nagusia
Amorebieta-Etxano, Basque Country

Boroa, Euskadi

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa



We are the Basque Autonomous Community's cluster association that brings together companies in the Eco-industry sector; we are working together to address the current difficult times by improving competitiveness and innovation in products and services designed to achieve more efficient management of "green and cleantech" resources on the national as well as international market.

We Work To:

- To strengthen the sector: to reinforce the orientation towards the members as the benchmarks in the Basque Cleantech and Environmental Sector.
- Institutional relations: to position and defend the members at home and abroad through a policy of alliances designed to offer institutional support.
- To foster innovation in the products and services of its members.
- To foster a favourable framework for the internationalisation of companies.


Egoitza nagusia
Bilbao, Bizkaia, Basque Country

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

AFM Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

AFM Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, the Spanish Associations of manufacturers of machine tools, accesories, parts and tools, represents 90% of machine tool and advanced manufacturing technology companies in Spain.

AFM works to promote internationalisation and, through its INVEMA (Foundation for Machine Tool Research) technology unit, the technological innovation of its member companies.

AFM, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, is a member of both CECIMO and ECTA, the European associations of machine tool and cutting tool manufacturers.


Spain is the European Union's third most important producer and exporter of machine tools, and is ranked ninth in the world.

This position has been achieved thanks to the commitment of manufacturers of machine tools, accessories, parts and tools to technological innovation, internationalisation and personal development.

For example, by exporting an average of over 80% of the industry's production to international markets and investing approximately 5% of turnover in Research, Development and Innovation.


Egoitza nagusia
Donostia - San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country

Tianjin, Txina

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

Basque Health Cluster

Basque Health Cluster

Basque Health Cluster is a non-profit association whose objective is to coordinate, represent, manage, promote and defend the common interests of the associated companies. The purpose is to contribute to the development and growth of its associates and the health and biosciences sector in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
This association is committed to supporting its members in four fundamental areas: Collaboration, Internationalization, Innovation and attraction of specialized financing in the sector.The Basque Health Cluster carries out activities aimed at its members and other agents of the bio-health ecosystem. Among these activities we promote our members internationally through fairs, missions, and cross-border events with other clusters. We offer working groups in different areas, training sessions and presentations by businesses and investors. We organize events for business networking and open innovation forums to generate future collaborations among our members, external companies and other agents, which include research centers and public administrations.


Egoitza nagusia
Derio, Basque Country

Derio (Bizkaia), Espainia

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa



GAIA is the Association of Electronic and Information Technologies in the Basque Country, a private and professional non-profit organisation, established in 1983, currently made up of 260 companies that offer products and services in the field of electronics, information technology and telecommunications.

GAIA's mission is to boost the develop and growth in the Electronics-IT and Telecommunications sector, and to favour the assimilation and efficient usage of the sector's technologies, with the aim of collaborating in the development of the Information and Knowledge Society.


The Electronics, IT and Telecommunications sector in the Basque Country is one of the most important concentrations of industrial developments in the this sector in Spain.

The tradition of manufacturers and entrepreneurs in the region, the excellent training and research infrastructures, the high sensitivity and commitment of public administrations and the existence of GAIA as an association that boosts and coordinates joint, technological and commercial activities are all at the core of our ongoing growth in our sector and its positioning as an outstanding European reference with a vocation.


The member companies of GAIA are always creating employment for highly qualified professionals. Because of the prospects for the future and the forecast for the demand for ICT professionals in the next years, the Association is launching new innovative training programmes that provide a chance for future hiring of professionals in the sector.


Egoitza nagusia
Donostia-San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa



HEGAN is a private, non-profit association that groups together the Basque Aeronautics and Space sector, created with the aim of fostering, promoting and stimulating the same. As a Cluster Association, its aim is to represent and promote this sector to ensure its competitiveness in short, medium and long-term through co-operation and innovation among companies and other agents, as a response to its strategic challenges in cooperation.


Egoitza nagusia
Zamudio, Bizkaia, Basque Country

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

Ez dago bilaketako irizpideak betetzen dituen konpainiarik



We are shareholders of the state’s most solvent bank, Kutxabank.

We diversify revenue in a bid to stabilise and guarantee the future of our Social.

People enhance us. We carry out the state’s largest per capita social project.


Egoitza nagusia

Bilbao, Espainia

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

Bilbao Ekintza

Bilbao Ekintza

Bilbao Ekintza, municipal entity for the improvement of economic and social wealth for Bilbao, promotes the city as an attractive destination for investment. Through Invest in Bilbao, the inward investment office from the city of Bilbao, works on the promotionof new thriving spaces within the city, and supports and provides free tailor-made services for companies, entrepeneurs & investors.


Egoitza nagusia
48001 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain

Bilbao, Euskadi

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, saioa hasi gure extranetean ta astertu ezazu gure euskal talentuaren mapa

Ez dago bilaketako irizpideak betetzen dituen konpainiarik

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